Monday, September 17, 2012

Baños otra vez!!

This week we went to Baños!! There were 6 of us in the group- two American girls, one Japanese girl who goes to school in D.C., and three Ecuadorian guys. We drove down and arrived Friday night, went rafting on Saturday, and drove back on Sunday to an amazing view of the mountains. Here are some pictures!
Here's our group! After going through the first rapid, we stopped at a waterfall. Our rafting trip was through GeoTours which was very professional and our guide was awesome! Besides rafting, we went out both nights and us girls got massages which were a little odd. It is such a cool town and we loved just walking around and taking pictures. 

After one of the class 4 rapids, I fell off. It was deep water so nothing bad happened but I did have to buy beers for everyone that night.  Thankfully, Nicolas has a waterproof camera so we were able to take pictures during the whole trip. 

This is a class 5 rapid that we had to walk around. Our boat would have flipped for sure. On the whole ride there were close to 15 rapids- a few 2s, mostly 3s, and maybe 5 4s. It was such a good river!! 
This is a view of Chimborazo y El Altar. Chimborazo is the closest point to the sun on Earth! Even though it's shorter than Everest, it starts at higher sea level, which makes it actually closer to the sun. During the whole car ride, we saw Tungurahua, El Altar, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Las Ilinizas, y Cayambe. Even though we have beautiful mountains in Washington, they are nothing like these. The mountains here seem to pop out of nowhere and are incredibly spiritual. 

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